Our Purpose

To provide you with sodium-free seasonings full of flavor and not full of preservatives and additives! 
With a curious mind and reverence for food, I knew I had something to share with y'all.  It's my way of cooking with you! 

Purely Spices and Herbs, That's it!!

A common question I've heard in the last 14 years of being a chef is "How do I season my food?" and I figured why not offer a solution. 

Along with being flavor-conscious, it was important for me to help others solve the  "how to..?" conundrum of cutting or lowering sodium intake altogether. So, there's NO SODIUM added in TheChefnut seasonings, and this gives you full control of how much sodium is in your cooking and diet. 

The following are true about TheChefNut Seasonings:


-Flavorfully AWESOME
-No Added Sodium
-No Added Sugar
-Naturally Gluten Free
-Preservative and Additive Free
-All Natural Spices and Herbs


Purely Spices and Herbs, that's it!!

Made in the heart of Austin Texas!

As a veteran of the United States Army, I wanted to continue to serve those around me and my country. I've wholeheartedly chosen to contribute 10% of net proceeds to organizations that are pouring into and serving veterans and under served youth around the U.S.


"Serving after Serving!!"